Saturday 11 August 2012

Task - Balancing Flash with Daylight

The 'Goldilocks' task. This task involved making 3 portraits using the sun and a single speed light as light sources.

Correct exposure on background with no flash.  f10 @ 200sec ISO 100
 The first portrait has a flash to daylight ratio which is too even and the flash overpowers the sunlight making the subject over exposed.
Over exposed. f10 @ 200sec ISO 100 +  flash @ 1/1
 The second shot the ratio is too uneven and the subject is under exposed.
Under exposed. f10 @ 200sec ISO 100 +  flash @ 1/64
 The 3rd shot the ratio is 'just right' (or slightly better in my case :)
Just right. f10 @ 200sec ISO 100 +  flash @ 1/8
The 2nd part of the task was to move indoors and backlight the subject with a view outside, then balance the exposure on the subject using the speed light. The process is definitely a little fiddly and something that will take some practice to get right.
A little unbalanced. f5 @ 200sec ISO 100 +  flash @ ??
I then played around a little with off camera speedlight in the corridor . As I still have no radio triggers I just turned the popup flash compensation on my camera to 0 and used it as the trigger for my SB600. As this method needs line of sight from camera to speedlight there were a few miss fires in the process which you wouldn't want in a normal shoot.

f8 @ 200 sec flash below right.

f2.8 @160sec flash bounced up off left wall

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