Thursday 23 August 2012

Location Workshop Task 2 - 2 Outta 4 Shots

a) Create a portrait using one monobloc as the main light source.

For this one we tried to be a little creative and use one of the lifts on campus. After discovering that the powerpoint in the lift was busted we resorted to sandbagging the doors open and running an extension lead in (shssssh don't tell anyone).

f9 @200 ISO100

f9 @200 ISO100

f9 @200 ISO100

b) Create a portrait using two monoblocks. One as the main source and one as the fill.

For this portrait we moved into a tight balcony above the squash courts on campus. It looked good when shooting but didn't really get the shot I was looking for. We only got a few shots off before having to pack up. Think with a bit more time and experimentation it could turn out ok.

f13 @200 ISO100

f11 @200 ISO100

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